
Exhibited at RCA2021 Show, Royal College of Art, London.

A series of narratives from the Arctic, in particular looking at different aspects of how global warming and climate change affect those who inhabit the region: from the Inuit People in Nunavut to the polar bears in the North Pole and to emperor penguins in Antarctica, their landscapes and ways of living are constantly shifting due to climate changes in the Arctic eco-system.

Fish skin has been used by Arctic coastal cultures for the past 1000 years. It is a material I have become very familiar with during the past year. In these works fish skin and traditional making techniques have been adapted to virtual spaces. This use of 3D simulation bridges my practice as a visual creator, and as a researcher who is an outsider to the Arctic and the traditional craftsmanship of fish skin made there. It offers a view from my own position towards another way of living. It also emphasises the promise of this raw material for a more sustainable and less wasteful future.


Arctic Research Sketchbook


3D Arctic Textiles

Arctic 3D wildlife

3D Arctic gallery

RCA Terminal group exhibition, London, UK 2021